Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gadisar Lake, Jaisalmer

Gadisar Lake is a man-made reservoir in Jaisalmer (State: Rajasthan) built in 1367 by Maharaja Gadsi Singh Ji. This is a scenic place where one can go for boating.

This tank outside the city walls, and in the olden days it was the main source of town's water supply. The lake is surrounded by small temples and shrines. A wide variety of waterfowl flock here in winter.

This lake located at the South of city is a natural low-land was dammed to catch every drop of rain water.

The beautiful arched gateway through which one can reach this lake is known as Teelon-ki Gate as it was constructed in 19th century by a very famous courtesan named Teelon. This is constructed with yellow sandstone and at the top of the gate is a small temple.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fjord in France

Did you know that there are fjords in France? No? I did not know about it, too. Till yesterday.Than I found a photo like this one:

Утро на пляже
«Утро на пляже» на Яндекс.Фотках

The title of that photo was "Calanques". I heard that word for the first time and thought it's something like a little mediterranean town that is situated not far or on the seaside of this formation -like Amalfi, Maiori etc. But I was not right. The word is possible to translate as "fjord" -well, you are right, "translate" is not the proper signification but everybody knows what it is. So, I, for example, sell vacation packages and cruises in Northern Europe that offer visits and trips to Norwegian fjords. Spectacular places, I have to say you.

But I' never thought that there are similar fjords in South Europe, too.

The region is full of them. Here is the photo from Wikipedia where you can find more general information about this place ( Calanque ). Because I did not know about it, I'll copy here some words to have them in my site.

The region is between Marseille and Cassis, there are different calanques there you can visit.

There arew similar formations. So here, in Italy, there is a Regional Natural Reserve of Atri (it's in the region Abruzzo) where you can visit calanques -without sea there, only mountains of this special form. Plants do not grow there but there are interesting animals like reptiles and many species of rapacious birds. Because there are so many different species, it would be interesting to go for bird watching there. We have some species here and they are very interesting to observe.
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Fjord in France

Did you know that there are fjords in France? No? I did not know about it, too. Till yesterday.Than I found a photo like this one:

Утро на пляже
«Утро на пляже» на Яндекс.Фотках

The title of that photo was "Calanques". I heard that word for the first time and thought it's something like a little mediterranean town that is situated not far or on the seaside of this formation -like Amalfi, Maiori etc. But I was not right. The word is possible to translate as "fjord" -well, you are right, "translate" is not the proper signification but everybody knows what it is. So, I, for example, sell vacation packages and cruises in Northern Europe that offer visits and trips to Norwegian fjords. Spectacular places, I have to say you.

But I' never thought that there are similar fjords in South Europe, too.

The region is full of them. Here is the photo from Wikipedia where you can find more general information about this place ( Calanque ). Because I did not know about it, I'll copy here some words to have them in my site.

The region is between Marseille and Cassis, there are different calanques there you can visit.

There arew similar formations. So here, in Italy, there is a Regional Natural Reserve of Atri (it's in the region Abruzzo) where you can visit calanques -without sea there, only mountains of this special form. Plants do not grow there but there are interesting animals like reptiles and many species of rapacious birds. Because there are so many different species, it would be interesting to go for bird watching there. We have some species here and they are very interesting to observe.
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Poetry in Stone - 1

Temples all over India represent the rich cultural heritage. The ancient temples are richly carved and they behold ones attention for their craftsmanship.

One such architectural gem is Kailashnath Temple of Kanchipuram (State: Tamil Nadu).
This temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is surrounded by 64 small sub-shrines. They adorned with the sculptures of the Lord Shiva in different poses, representing a picture of different aspects of mythology.

The above image is a scene from battle field where Lord Shiva is fighting the evil forces.

The above image depicts the Lord in a dance form. The image above can be seen is the picture below at the top in a smaller form.

At the base of the platform one can see the ancient inscriptions used in those days. On either side of these sub-shrines are lion pillars.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

National Stadium Debuts in Costa Rica Today, but not without Controversy!

Tens of thousands of people will be on hand for the inauguration of the new Costa Rican National Stadium today (known locally at the “Colosio” or “Coloso” or “Estadio”), the most modern stadium in all of Central America. Many more spectators will be glued to their television sets at home or visiting the nearest Sports Bar or local watering hole, to take in the day's events that begin in the afternoon and end with the highly anticipated friendly soccer match between Costa Rica and China.

The Road to the Inauguration:
In May of 2008, after some 84 years of service, the demolition ball was
brought in to remove the old national stadium and make way for the new construction in La Sabana Park, to the west of Downtown San Jose. The old stadium unceremoniously closed its doors for the last time on May 11th, with the last soccer game held between the University of Costa Rica and a favorite local team, the Brujas F.C. Fifty five days later, after the first swing of the wrecking ball, the old stadium was reduced to a pile of rubble.

The plans for the new stadium for a capacity of 35,000 to 50,000 was officially announced in October 2008, and in December the Chinese construction firm, AFEC, was given permission to take the reins in building the new stadium. Chinese workers and the first materials and equipment from China were brought in beginning February 2009.

Not without controversy, many Costa Rican labor laws were bent (or broken) to allow this new Chinese workforce to enter Costa Rica and build this fabulous stadium, all that are enforced on already established businesses within Costa Rican borders. The fact that while snubbing the strict labor laws there were more than enough “Ticos” without work at the time (remember it is/was the recession), or that the majority of the materials used to build the stadium were brought from China, meant that little of this work would immediately effect or stimulate the Costa Rican economy in any way. But then did we really think we would get this Stadium for free as announced?

But then again, NO “Tico” project has ever been able to boast an accomplishment like that of the Chinese, one that astonishes those of us that live in Costa Rica, as on November 12, 2010, only 2 short years after officially announcing the building of the new Stadium, AFEC (the Chinese Company) delivered the almost finished stadium to the hands of now Ex-President Oscar Arias. Some three months ahead of schedule!! Alelujuah to the Chinese, you have definitely won our admiration!!

During the following months, a mad scramble to complete the finishing touches to the
stadium began, as the official March opening was announced, and plans were made to host some of the world’s finest musical & sports talent, among other entertainment planned for the inaugural event. That day has finally come……..March 26th, inauguration day is here!!

As previously mentioned, the building of this stadium was not completely without controversy. Liu Hong Bin, a 37 year old Chinese worker, hit by a construction vehicle on November 21, 2010, died while working on this project. Meanwhile, perhaps even more distressing and controversial was the complete snub to the country (or Territory) of Taiwan, a generous ally to Costa Rica for many years, by the getting in bed (if you will) with China, a country that repeatedly has crushed it’s own citizens human rights, as well as year after year shipped worldwide numerous products containing banned substances such as lead, pesticides, antibiotics, melamine, just to mention a few. Downright disturbing if you ask me. (Best if you don’t ask me.)

Taiwan Who??
A cry has gone out for Costa Rica to officially rename it’s “Puente de Amistad” (Bridge of Friendship) built with an incredibly generous donation of Taiwanese money. The huge suspension bridge spanning the Río Tempisque opened in 2003, and was a “gift” from the Taiwanese Government in exchange for commercial fishing rights in Costa Rican waters. But that was then and this is now, as then came China, with it’s booming economy and it’s infighting with that rebel island of Taiwan, and Taiwan is out and China is in! To
help understand, in 2007, Costa Rica and China established formal diplomatic relations after years of Costa Rica working directly with Taiwan. Then president, Oscar Arias, promptly ditched the country's long-term monetary benefactor, Taiwan, in favor of its far wealthier and more powerful neighbor, China. The “Friendship Bridge”, as well as many other educational, infrastructure, security and other Taiwanese financed projects in Costa Rica were quickly forgotten when China promised to build Costa Rica a brand-new national multi-purpose stadium, the most modern in all of Central America. Meanwhile, locals in Costa Rica have already renamed the Taiwanese-built bridge... “Puente de la Apuñalada” (Back Stab Bridge)!

Our Efficient Chinese Friends:
The enviable pace of construction of the new stadium was something not previously seen in Costa Rica. While the majority of large (and small) construction projects in this country take indeterminable amounts of years to
construct or repair (note I didn’t use the word “finish”), such as the Caldera Highway which took 34 years to plan and create (and continues to undergo repairs & closures), the Costanera Hwy (43 years, but mostly “finished”), our National Bridges, reconstruction of the Platina Bridge, replacement of infrastucture after the Cinchona Earthquake, etc, etc, the building of the New National Stadium was an impressive example of how quickly a major project can be completed when the right work force is employed, the normal government bureaucracy is shelved, and funding isn’t an ongoing problem, with ongoing cost overruns.
It is most definitely proof of what the Chinese Culture of hard working, honest people is capable of doing! Again….impressive!!
Meanwhile, a huge Costa Rican flag waves at the National Stadium, known as the “Jewel of La Sabana,” the title given by former President Oscar Arias, but constructed by a force of entirely Chinese workers. “Thanks to the immense generosity of the nation of China, this dream will be possible in a matter of months,” Arias said during the National Stadium ground breaking ceremony on March 12, 2009. “Today we lay down the first brick of a stadium that will be proportional to the passion of our nation; a stadium that will be the heart of our country, in the middle of the lung of the city.” Time will only tell how much this stadium will truly cost us, but for now…..we’re damn glad to have it!!

The New National Stadium by the Numbers:
• $82 Million Cost of Construction (The true figure is said to be some $12 million more)
• 10 Minutes from Downtown San Jose in La Sabana Park
• 35,000 Capacity for Sports Events
• 50,000 Capacity for Concerts
• Alleged Capacity to withstand an 8.5 Earthquake on the Richter Scale
• 500 High Intensity Lights to Illuminate the Field
• 137 Digital Security Cameras
• 250 Wheel Chairs Spaces
• 1,500 Disabled Seats
• 22 Months of Construction
• 83,000 Cubic Meters of Concrete
• 500 Onsite Parking Spaces (Sad, but true!)
• 300 Additional Fuerza Publica Police Officers on Duty

Bring or More like….Don’t Bring:
Since it is a very strange list of items permitted or prohibited for the new stadium, here is a brief list of what has been published so far to help those that will be attending inaugural events:

Permitted in the new Stadium:
- Cell Phones (See details below and guess if you take yours or not)
- Cameras (Still only, no video) with no batteries or rechargeable batteries
- Flags, but without poles

Prohibited in the new Stadium:

- Smoking
- Video cameras
- Loose change (whatever!)
- Still cameras with removable batteries like AA or AAA, (again, whatever!)
- Umbrellas
- Paper confetti
- Food and beverages

Inaugural Schedule of Events:
Costa Rica’s new National Stadium inaugural events kick off Saturday with the highlight being a friendly soccer match between Costa Rica and China. Here is a detailed list of the other exciting events scheduled over the next few weeks while we enjoy….. Stadium Fever!

Official Inauguration:
Saturday, March 26, official opening ceremonies begin at around 1pm. The highlight of the inauguration will definitely be the highly anticipated friendly soccer match between Costa Rica and China. The opening event also includes official “Acts of Protocol”, with speeches by Ex-President Oscar Arias, the Chinese Delegation and current Costa Rican President, Laura Chinchilla. There will also be a ceremony for top Costa Rican athletes that will receive special recognition for outstanding performances in their fields over the years, as well as a firework show to top off the night. Teletica will be covering the inauguration live on channel 7 from 3pm to 6pm.
Costa Rica vs. Argentina
Tuesday, March 29, Costa Rica’s national soccer team faces rival Argentina in a friendly soccer match, featuring the world’s top soccer player, Lionel Messi.
Symphony Orchestra
Wednesday, March 30, is a night of classical music. The program includes: Intermediate Symphony Orchestra, Youth Symphonic Band, Youth Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, and National Symphony Chorus. The event starts at 7 pm.
World Championship Boxing Night
Thursday, March 31 brings in boxing night to include some four Exhibition Matches and three World Championship bouts. The highlight of the night will undoubtedly be Costa Rica’s own boxing queen, Hannah Gabriels, who will defend her World Championship title.
Friday, April 1 is time to put on those dancing shoes, grab a dance partner and get to the national stadium for a night of latin dance music. Thousands of couples will show off their dancing skills in a typical open-air dance event known as a Lunada. The organizers promise an unheard of “air-conditioned” ballroom, food sales, and participation of some of this country’s most popular musical groups to include: Los Hicsos, Los Originales del Chiki, Marfil, Calle 8, Banda Chiqui, Lubin Barahona and Los Caballeros del Ritmo, as well as Son de Tikicia..
National Music Festival
Saturday, April 2 is live and loud music night with all the best musicians from Costa Rica, to include: Esteban Calderon, Le Pop, Marta Fonseca, Escats, Editus, Humberto Vargas, Maria Pretiz, Akasha, Time’s Forgotten, Dexnuke, Evolution, 424, El Parque, Ghandi, Cocofunka, Percance, Mechas, Pato Barraza, and many many more! Don’t miss it!!
Fiesta in The House
Sunday, April 3 features specially invited singers Victor Manuel, Gilberto Santa Rosa, and Don Amor performing all their greatest hits.
Live in Concert….Shakira!!
Jump forward to Sunday, April 10 is the highly anticipated Colombian Superstar Shakira live in concert! This night guarantees to be vibrant, colorful and festive event for one of Costa Rica’s most popular pop stars.

More information, including links to purchase tickets for varias events, can be found on Nacional Stadium’s new website:

Now, if only everyone can figure out where to park! Only 500 hundred parking spaces were written in during the planning stages, and no one thought to do anything about that until now. Now that there will be some 35,000 people planning to attend the opening events! Say what?? Yes, you read that right! So plan to pay huge fees to park in surround homes and business’ yards, lots or anywhere that will fit a car. Otherwise, plan for long walks and confusing new bus schedules to get you in there. DO NOT plan to park in no parking zones. Local “transito” officers have already promised some 300 officers will be on hand directing traffic and writing parking tickets that will cost in the area of $400 per violation! I guess I will just stay home and watch this all on TV!! Pura vida!!

Virtual Tour of the New Stadium HERE!!

Kimberly Barron, originally from Malibu, California has lived in Parismina and Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica for 20 years. Starting as a certified tour guide, she spent 15 years managing fishing lodges on the Caribbean Coast and later 4* & 5* Hotels on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. Currently semi-retired, Kimberly still works as the Marketing Director for Byblos Resort & Casino and Hotel Makanda by the Sea.

Sources: - Henriette Jacobsen

Photo Credits:,-34.11,110.0 - Coleman Heckart
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Friday, March 25, 2011

Lalbagh Flower Show - Dianthus

At flower show in Lalbagh Gardens at Bangalore on August 2010 there were exclusive collection of various flowers on display. There were also Dianthus flowers of different colors.

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Mysore - Karnataka

Mysore, the capital city of the Wodeyars has always enchanted its admirers with its quaint charm, rich heritage, magnificent palaces, beautifully laid-out gardens, imposing buildings, broad shady avenues and sacred temples. There's an old world charm about the city that reaches out and leaves no one untouched.
Mysore or Mahishur as it was called then, traces its history back to the mythical past, when Goddess Chamundeshwari of Chamundi Hills killed the wicked buffalo-headed demon, Mahishasura.
Mysore Dasara is the celebration of this victory of good over evil.Mysore also has associations with the Mahabharata and King Ashoka of the 3rd century B.C. During the Wodeyar rule Mysorereached the Zenith of its glory as a fabled centre of oriental splendour .
Mysore is the second largest city of Karnataka. Today, Mysore is a vibrant city teeming with tourists and visitors. It is known the world over for its exotic sandalwood and rich silks. Its grand and imposing palaces, majestic temples, gardens leave an ever-lasting impression on the visitor.
The word Mysore is derived from Mahishuru or Mahishasurana Ooru, meaning the town of Mahishasura, the demon king who is believed to have lived here. The history of Mysore can be traced back to the time of Mahabharata. It was ruled by the Ganga Dynasty from the 2nd century to approximately 10th century. Later it was ruled by the Cholas for a century which was followed by the Chalukyas, Hoysalas, the Vijayanagar Empire and finally the Mysore Yadu rules in the 13th century.
During the reign of Chamaraja Wadiyar the city is said to have gained prominence. For a brief period the Wadiyars got dethroned, but finally returned to power under the British command at the end of the 17th century.
Situated 770m above sea level, Mysore has a warm and cool climate throughout the year.

1. Mysore Palace

2. Brindavan Gardens

3. Chamundi Hills

4. St. Philomena's Church

5. Mysore Zoo

6. The Art Gallery

7. Rail Museum

8. Karanji Lake Nature Park

9. Kishkindha Moolika Bonsai Garden

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Batubulan Village

The village is included within the scope of Sukawati District Gianyar Regency of Bali Province. Batubulan village was originally known as an agricultural village that is rich in the arts including the art of Dance and Art Carving. Strukutur agrarian society and culture that is informed by Hinduism became the basis of village community life Batubulan. Batubulan very famous as the object of a typical Barong Dance Tour. The village is situated on the path to Denpasar - Gianyar approximately 10 km from Denpasar and 21 km from Gianyar. Every day the archipelago of foreign tourists and can watch the Barong Dance performances in five areas including: Sadewa, Sila Candra, DENJALAN. Besides, the tourists also can see the stone sculptor Rock make the statues for decorating homes, hotels, crossroads, bridges and temples.
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Bali Bird Park

Bali Bird Park is the best and most comprehensive bird park in Indonesia. There are about 1,000 birds of 250 species of birds. The collection of Java, Bali, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Papua, Asia and America. All of the rare birds are protected.
Security and maintenance are very secure because it is always monitored by a specialized vet and his team are alert at all times. Guaranteed free from bird flu. Enjoy the latest facilities in the form of Avian 4D Theatre. Address at Jl. Sergeant Major Cok Ngurah Gambir, Singapadu - Batubulan, Gianyar. Phone: 0361 - 299352 / 299344 with the opening hours of hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to go to buy a ticket for Rp 60,000 .-
With entertainment and restaurant facilities as well as Retail and Photo Shop.

REPTILE jungle
Reptile park is one location with the Bali Bird Park. Their collection consists of dragons, snakes, crocodiles, turtles, etc.. Everything is selected collection of the owner. With an average ticket price of Rp 50,000 .- open from 08.00 - 18.00.
For those of you who reptile enthusiast this place is perfect for you because her collection was chosen. Please visit here.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kailashnath Temple, Kanchipuram

There are many beautiful temples in Kanchipuram (State: Tamil Nadu). One such architectural gem is Kailashnath Temple. This temple is unique in its architecture.

In the late 7th century this temple was built by Pallava dynasty rulers Rajasimha and his son Mahendravarman.

It is an early structural temple, built of sandstone. The walls and sikhara of this temple are filled with great sculptures, and paintings. This temple of Lord Shiva has a four-storeyed octagonal sikhara.

A temple wall encloses the temple complex. The inner and outer walls of these shrines are adorned with fresco paintings while the walls of the main temple are profusely decorated with sculptures. There are all together row of 64 small shrines in the inner walls.

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Bali Art Centre

Bali Art Centre - Werdhi Cultural Park is located in Jalan Nusa Indah Denpasar is one of the largest and most complex for cultural performance in Bali where the Bali Arts Rapid annually held at this place. Designed by Bali's leading architecture that is Ida Bagus Tugur, this place was designed based on temple architecture and architecture Palace in Bali. Basically Cultural Park is split by a river from east to west is divided into 4 complexes:
1. Sacred Complex includes Pura Beji Park, Selonding Bale, Bale Pepaosan etc.
2. The complex includes the Library Widya Kesuma calm
3. The complex includes a half crowded Mahudara Exhibition Hall, Building Crafts, Sculpture Studio, House of Arts and Wantilan.
4. The complex includes lively Open Stage Ardha Candra and closed Ksirarnawa Stage
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Kopi Bali House

Cafes that had stood since five years ago it became the first pioneer to cafe / coffee house that presents a pure menu and collection of goods associated with coffee. In addition to various coffee menu is provided, there is also a menu of international foods that can accompany a cup of coffee. Diverse menu such as coffee mochacinno coffee, coffee mocha, white mocca, frozen cappuccino and frozen vanilla latte. Not only the purity of coffee can be enjoyed here, also available various coffee-related products such as real coffee beans, cups and teapots for coffee and coffee machines penghalus. There was even a display of antique past sweetener room, which can also be purchased if the price of suitability. Visitors can also enjoy the gallery which consists of products such as candles and perfume of coffee, coffee berlukiskan shoes are also various paintings of coffee unijk and difficult to find elsewhere. Bali Coffee House also offer civet coffee is coffee that comes from the 'dung coffee' civet (civet) is known to be very enjoyable and also expensive. Because the seed-eating mongoose Arabica coffee is really good at choosing coffee terbaijk on instinct as eating coffee. Bali Coffee House located at 1. Shops Graha Niaga Sanur No. 4 and 2. Jl.By Pass Ngurah Rai Sanur 405e. Phone: 0361-270990 ... open from the hours of 07:30 to 23:30 the average price set menu at the Rp 20,000 - Rp 200,000
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Pura Luhur Uluwatu

Pura Luhur Uluwatu is one of six main temples in Bali. It lies on top of a steep cliff with a height of 75 meters above sea level, making it an incredible sight when looking at the waves hitting the cliff wall and enjoy the sunset light at the end of the sea surface. While enjoying the Kecak dance which is usually held near sundown. In the area of ​​even this group of monkeys that live agile and quite nosy. So beware of your belongings, especially the shiny accessories such as jewelry, glasses, etc. so as not stolen monkeys. This temple is opened to the public from the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. with parking facilities and food stalls available.
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Dreamland Beach is a tourist spot located in the south of Bali, which is located within the complex Pecatu Graha Bali (Kuta Golf Links Resort). only about 30 minutes from Kuta beach. Dreamland beach itself is almost similar to Kuta Beach. White sand and a steep gully into a view that is so alluring eyes to look at. Location of clean white sand on the narrow beach just below the steep rock walls perfect for enjoying the sunset or simply watch the surfers attractions.
Large waves are high and in great demand by fans of water sports surfing, even Dreamland has become a kind of new to the area surf spots of Bali. Dreamland beach surrounded by cliffs that rise high and surrounded by a fairly large rock in the vicinity of the beach. Facilities prepared for tourists is ample parking and toilets.
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Suluban Beach

Suluban Beach is one of the best surfing areas in the world. This beach is located in the village of Pecatu and among regions Labuhan Sait Beach Uluwatu and, which is about 34 km from Denpasar towards the south. The attraction of this beach is beautiful panoramas and full of uniqueness and good for surfing and recreation> Uniquely .. must surf down the cliff and into a wide and extensive cave then up to the surface ocean to surf. Location objects away from the noise makes the atmosphere to be safe and secure, in accordance with the desired ideal atmosphere of tourists, namely an atmosphere of peace and soothing feeling. In the vicinity of the location of the beach a lot and prepared food vendors toilet facilities so the tourists do not need to be confused if you want to spend time at the suluban beach.
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Warung Nikmat Kuta

Warung Nikmat is located in Kuta Jl.Kubu Anyar. Exactly next to the Hotel Sari Hyacinths location was rather get into, but fairly clean. The food is rice mixed warteg ala Java. Taste more toward Banyuwangi cuisine seasoned with a more daring. Simply complete the menu, ranging from various kinds of vegetables, tempeh, tofu, egg, meat with a typical variation of Java. Reasonably priced food prices range between Rp 6,000 - Rp 10,000 per serving. For those who stay in the area of ​​Kartika Plaza, this shop can be reached by walking kakin through a small alley next to the front SD Kuta Paradiso. The address of this shop on Jl Bakungsari Gang Biduri No. 6 Kuta Bali. Phone: 0361-764678 and is open from 08:00 hours until 22.00. For those of you who like the typical cuisine of Java please try the food at Warung Nimat Kuta
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kampung Bali

Kampung Bali is a souvenir shop in the Kuta area is quite spacious with a variety of goods being sold here is very extensive ranging from T-Shirt, snacks, wine Bali, handicraft and many other items that are sold here. This place is laid out in such a way as to facilitate the tourists to do the activities they choose to buy goods. Jl.Merta located at Nadi No. 77X Kuta Bali. Phone: 0361-240991, 8646989, 9965011. Balinese village set working hours start from 08:00 hours - 23:00 hours with an average price of goods in the range of Rp 7,500 - Rp 25,000. Balinese village is also preparing a parking area and for those of you who are lazy to carry cash everywhere you can shop here using your Visa / Mastercard to pay
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Kama Sutra

One of the clubbing in Kuta is the location of kama sutra. Not only famous in Bali, but also very popular among the Clubbers from all regions in Indonesia. Here the event is held every so often invite well-known DJ and has many famous artists both Indonesian and foreign artists who come to this place. Address at Jl. Pantai Kuta, Phone: 0361-761999 place is open from 19.00 - complete. Admission price at Rp 100,000 .- which of course will get a treat Andapun a sexy dancer and sexy pole dancer. Equipped also with a Restaurant with typical cuisine Asian and Continental Cuisine.
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surfer girl

one of the shops that provide a variety of surf equipment, surf girl in particular. Here you can find the best products from Roxy, Volcom,Reef, Insight, Rusty, Billabong, Rip Curl and others. Surfer Girl has2 branches, one located at Jl.Legian No. 138 Kuta Bali and one inBali Collection (Nusa Dua). Surely it is a complete collection of surfgirl surfer girl in this. Shop opening hours between 09.00 am until22.00. Website address in
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Urban Food Station. Opened 24 hours by providing a variety of foods both western and international. With quality brands such as Golden Gate Chicken Co., Marco Brothers Pizza and Pasta, Driscoll coffee roasting, BOOST Juices & Smoothies, Garden Fresh, Gourmet BIGBREAD Sandwitches, LONG HORN Steaks and waffles. 1.Jl located at Legian 61 Kuta (SKY GARDEN) and 2.Jl Kuta Beach (OCEAN BEACH CLUB). Phone: 0361-735100. With the average price of food is between Rp40.000 .- to 100,000 .-, and you can shop here using your Visa / Master Card
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Sushi Densha

This Japanese restaurant has a unique concept, which uses miniature railway as a means of transportation cook food shipments to customers. Address at Jl.Legian La Walon Centre (behind mama's restaurant). Phone: 0361-763616. Restaurant opening hours are hours of 11:00 to 23:00. With favorite menu Sushi, Sashimi, Roll Fusion has an average price of up to Rp 100.000 from Rp30.000
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Mama's Germany

Mama's Germany Restaurant provides a variety of specialties such as Germany and Sausage Roulade. Located on Jl Raya Legian, La Walon Centre. Phone: 0361-761151 with favorite menu Curry Sausage, Sausage Mixed Grill Platter, Two Beef Rousladen. The average price of food here is Rp40.000 until Rp75.000 and if you are in the vicinity of the location restaurant, then you can order with delivery service facilities
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Monday, March 21, 2011

Darjeeling - Himalayan town in the Indian state of West Bengal


Darjeeling a Himalayan town in the Indian state of West Bengal, is internationally renowned as a tourist destination and also for its tea industry and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the headquarters of Darjeeling district. The town is located in the Mahabharat Range or lesser at an average elevation of 6,710 ft (2,050 m).
The development of the town dates back to the mid-19th century, when the British set up a sanatorium and a military depot. Subsequently, extensive tea plantation was done in the region, and tea growers developed distinctive hybrids of black tea and created new fermenting techniques. The resultant distinctive Darjeeling tea is internationally recognized and ranks among the most popular of the black teas. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway connects the town with the plains and has one of the few steam locomotives still in service in India. Darjeeling also has several British-style public schools, which attract students from throughout India and neighboring countries. The town, with its neighboring town of Kalimpong, was a center for the demand of the Gorkhaland movement in the 1980s. The present movement for a separate state of Gorkhaland is also centered in Darjeeling town. In recent years, the town's fragile ecology has been threatened by a rising demand for environmental resources, stemming from growing tourist traffic and poorly planned urbanization.


The history of Darjeeling is intertwined with that of Bengal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal. Until the early 19th century, the hilly area around Darjeeling was historically controlled by the kingdoms of Bhutan and Sikkim, while the plains around Siliguri were intermittently occupied by the kingdom of Nepal, with settlement consisting of a few households of Lepcha people. In 1828, a delegation of British East India Company officials on its way to Nepal-Sikkim border stayed in Darjeeling and decided that the region was a suitable site for a sanatorium for British soldiers. The company negotiated a lease of the area west of the Mahayana River from the Chogyal of Sikkim in 1835. In 1849, the British East India Company (BEIC) director Arthur Campbell and the explorer and botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker were imprisoned in the region by the Sikkim Chogyal. The East India Company sent a force to free them. Continued friction between the BEIC and the Sikkim authorities resulted in the annexation of 640 square miles (1,700 km2) of territory in 1850. In 1864, the Bhutanese rulers and the British signed the Treaty of Sinchula that ceded the passes leading through the hills and Kalimpong to the British. The continuing discord between Sikkim and the British resulted in a war, culminating in the signing of a treaty and the annexation by the British of the area east of the Teesta River in 1865. By 1866, Darjeeling district had assumed its current shape and size, covering an area of 1,234 square miles (3,200 km2).
During the British Raj, Darjeeling's temperate climate led to its development as a hill station for British residents seeking to escape the summer heat of the plains, and it’s becoming the informal summer capital of the Bengal Presidency in 1840, a practice that was formalized after 1864.The development of Darjeeling as a sanatorium and health resort proceeded briskly. Arthur Campbell, a surgeon with the Company, and Lieutenant Robert Napier were responsible for establishing a hill station there. Campbell's efforts to develop the station, attract immigrants to cultivate the slopes and stimulate trade resulted in a hundredfold increase in the population of Darjeeling between 1835 and 1849. The first road connecting the town with the plains was constructed between 1839 and 1842. In 1848, a military depot was set up for British soldiers, and the town became a municipality in 1850. Commercial cultivation of tea in the district began in 1856, and induced a number of British planters to settle there. Scottish missionaries undertook the construction of schools and welfare centers for the British residents, laying the foundation for Darjeeling's notability as a centre of education. The opening of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway in 1881 further hastened the development of the region. In 1899, Darjeeling was rocked by major landslides that caused severe damage to the town and the native population. Under British rule, the Darjeeling area was initially a Non-Regulation District, a scheme of administration applicable to economically less advanced districts in the British Raj, and acts and regulations of the British Raj did not automatically apply to the district in line with rest of the country. In 1919, the area was declared a "backward tract". During the Indian independence movement, the Non-cooperation Movement spread through the tea estates of Darjeeling. There was also a failed assassination attempt by revolutionaries on Sir John Anderson, the Governor of Bengal in 1934. Subsequently, during the 1940s, Communist activists continued the nationalist movement against the British by mobilizing the plantation workers and the peasants of the district. Socio-economic problems of the region that had not been addressed during British rule continued to linger and were reflected in a representation made to the Constituent Assembly of India in 1947, which highlighted the issues of regional autonomy and Nepali nationality in Darjeeling and adjacent areas. After the independence of India in 1947, Darjeeling was merged with the state of West Bengal. A separate district of Darjeeling was established consisting of the hill towns of Darjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong and some parts of the Terai region. While the hill population included mainly of ethnic Nepalis who had migrated there during British rule, the plains harbored a large ethnic Bengali population who were refugees from the Partition of India. A cautious and non-receptive response by the West Bengal government to most demands of the ethnic Nepali population led to increased calls, in the 1950s and 1960s, for Darjeeling's autonomy and for the recognition of the Nepali language; the state government acceded to the latter demand in 1961. The creation of a new state of Sikkim in 1975, along with the reluctance of the Government of India to recognize Nepali as an official language under the Constitution of India, brought the issue of a separate state of Gorkhaland to the forefront. Agitation for a separate state continued through the 1980s, included violent protests during the 1986–88 period. The agitation ceased only after an agreement between the government and the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF), resulting in the establishment of an elected body in 1988 called the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC), which received autonomy to govern the district. Though Darjeeling is now peaceful, the issue of a separate state still lingers, fueled in part by the lack of comprehensive economic development in the region even after the formation of the DGHC. New protests erupted in 2008–09, but both the Union and State governments rejected Gorkha Janmukti Morcha's demand for a separate state.


Apart from the major religious festivals of Christmas, Durga puja and Diwali the diverse ethnic populace of the town celebrates several local festivals. The Lepchas and Bhutias celebrate New Year in January, while Tibetans celebrate their New Year, Losar, in February–March. The birthday of the Dalai Lama is celebrated in mid-June with processions. Darjeeling Carnival, initiated by a civil society movement known as The Darjeeling Initiative, is a ten day carnival held every year during the winter with portrayal of the Darjeeling Hill's musical and cultural heritage as its central theme.
A popular food in Darjeeling is the Tibetan momo, a steamed dumpling containing meat cooked in a doughy wrapping and served with clear soup and achar. A form of Tibetan noodle called thukpa, served in soup form is also popular. Other commonly eaten dishes include alu dum, a potato preparation, and shaphalay, Tibetan bread stuffed with meat. Fermented foods and beverages are consumed by a large percentage of the population. Fermented foods include preparations of soybeans, bamboo shoots, milk and Sel roti, which is made from rice. Tea is the most popular beverage; the Tibetan version is also drunk. Alcoholic beverages include Tongba, Jnaard and Chhaang, variations of a local beer made from fermenting finger millet.
Colonial architecture characterizes many buildings in Darjeeling, exemplified by several mock Tudor residences, Gothic churches, the Raj Bhawan, Planters' Club and various educational institutions. Buddhist monasteries showcase the pagoda style architecture. Darjeeling is regarded as a centre of music and a niche for musicians and music admirers. Singing and playing musical instruments is a common pastime among the resident population, who take pride in the traditions and role of music in cultural life.

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