Friday, May 21, 2010

Scuba Diving at Bunaken National Park, Indonesia

Bunaken National ParkBunaken is an island, which attracts many scuba diving visitors. The island of Bunaken in the Bunaken National Park is rated in the top ten best diving destinations on the planet. The Park and islands are situated in Manado Bay and consist of five islands; Bunaken, Siladen, Manado Tua, Montehage and Nain. The deep, clear, warm waters around the islands contain astoundingly high numbers of species of corals, sponges and fish. Oceanic currents rich in food and nutrients sweep past the area, these attract an abundance of marine life ranging from big pelagics to tiny critters.

Bunaken National ParkThe waters of Bunaken National Marine Park are extremely deep (1566 m in Manado Bay), clear (up to 35-40 m visibility), refreshing in temperature (27-29 C) and harbor some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. Pick any of group of interest - corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges - and the number of families, genera or species is bound to be astonishingly high.
About half an hour by a motorized outrigger canoe from Manado, Bunaken island is a veritable paradise for snorkelers and scuba enthusiasts. The coral reef off Bunaken island is particularly good for that and shouldn't be missed while you're in this region. The drop off wall at Liang Cove is not only rare in the world, as it's described by international divers as being spectacular with caves, gullies, and caverns harbouring an immense wealth of marine life. The water averages a balmy 28 degrees C and visibility is sensational (over) 30 m. The Bunaken sea garden is rich with colourful tropical marine life.Bunaken National Park
Most of the diving around Bunaken is done on deep walls which are carpeted in coral and pocked with caves and crevaces. There is something for everyone here from the deep freaks and pelagic fans to marine biologists and macro photographers, a dive destination to cater for all tastes.

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