Monday, June 14, 2010

Gambuh dance

Dramatari Balinese dance is a dance that is considered the highest quality and is a classic Balinese dramatari most rich in dance movements that are considered as the source of all types of classical dance of Bali.

At first, theater arts palace total Gambuh is due first Balinese nobility. At Dalem Waturenggong heyday in the 16th century, performing arts, dance is a favorite of the whole spectacle of the palace and the public. Once the high prestige this art to almost every palace in Bali when it has a special place for laid-called pagambuhan bale.
Prominent dance artists were recruited to become an artist's palace and given a respectable social status.

But along with the erosion of the era of feudalism were also eroded the presence of the performing arts are thought to have emerged in Bali on this 10th century, which is based on the story Panji.Gambuh lakonnya shaped total theater because in it there is interwoven elements of sound art, drama & dance art , fine arts, literary arts, and others. Now almost no former center of the kingdom which still has a bale pagambuhan. The artists that are embodied in a special wrestle sekaa dance theater any more recent shrinkage. Performance art is even already in the category of rare art. Plays just might get caught in a large-scale ceremonies, like the temple ceremony Yadnya gods, such as marriage ceremonies Yadnya Manusa noble family, the ceremony Yadnya Pitra (Ngaben) and others.

Entering the era of independence dance performing arts are switching functions of the art performing arts palace became a religious ritual. Dance performances in addition to be understood as an aesthetic presentation but also the completeness of these important religious ceremonies. In an atmosphere of communal and religious atmosphere, young and old generations of participants religious ceremony was witnessed theatrical tradition that is very rarely performed.

Accompanied by gamelan Penggambuhan who barreled pelog Saih Pitu. The usual figures shown are Lean, ballooning, ballooning, Princess, Arya / Kadean-kadean, Panji (Patih Manis), Prabangsa (Patih Hardware), Demat, Tomonggong, Turas, Panasar and King. In the play these characters all the dancers in dialogue, generally Kawi language, except for figures Turas, and Lean-speaking Panasar Bali, both fine, medium and coarse.

Dance that are still active until now found in the village:

* Rock (Gianyar)
* Padang Aji and Budakeling (Karangasem)
* Tumbak Bayuh (Badung)
* Pedungan (Denpasar)
* Apit Yeh (Cathay)
* Anturan and Dragon Sepeha (Buleleng).

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