Monday, January 10, 2011

Christian Pilgrimage to Antique Abbey

Campania (a region) in Italy is an Island of Treasures for Christianity. You can find antique churches, abbeys, reperts coming from the first centuries of the existance of this religion. This year, one of the most antique monasteries, a Benedictine monastery of the Holy Trinity of Cava dei Tirreni not far from Salerno, celebrates it's Millennium.

This abbey was built by a Saint man, S. Alferio, in 1011, other 3 abbots are Saints, too, and 8 abbots of this monastery are Beatifyed. So reach was this Earth of Holy men (specially the first 3 centuries of the existance of the monastery), that the Papst Urban II wanted to walk till the abbey the way that so many Saint men touched with bare feet.

In the cave where the first monks lived is the marble altar with the relics of S. Alferio

A little cloister is so beautiful to take the breath literally. The antique architecture is clearly influenced by the oriental, arabic culture, that came here from Sicily, where the uncle of Salernitan Dukes ruled.

The underground churches and chapels were made with great love, and some frescs remain not only alive but look like new till today. It's an other miracle of this place.

Nobles made rich donations to be posted in the loculos under these churches to be near the relics of the Holy men. Posted -because there were not coffins or something else. Actually, their remains are burried for the hygiene of the place.

Today, everybody can visit the abbey, it's basilica, antique and underground parts. You have to come at 9 in the morning or call the guides to tell them the time when you will come there.

To organize your visit of Abbey or this zone, Campania or Italy, you can contact me ("Travel and Cruise Deals") and I will help you to make your vacation informative, interesting and unforgettable.

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