Friday, January 14, 2011

How to Quickly Pass Through Security Checkpoints at Airports?

We seem to be on a security binge these days, but there was once a time when going to the airport was a pleasant experience: you expected your luggage to be scanned, but would pass through the metal detectors with ease. Not only that, but loved ones could accompany you all the way to the gate. People were nicer, lines were smaller, and random full-body searches were practically unheard of. Of course, those days are long gone. Now, lines to pass through security can extend beyond a two hour wait during busy times. Have you ever wondered how you could pass through security faster? Follow these helpful tips and you’ll be able to breeze through security in no time.

* If you must check-in your luggage, check in as most as possible! The lighter you pack, the faster you go through security.

* Only carry what you need. You don’t need your keys, phone, laptop, or even your wallet to pass through the security checkpoints. Instead, only carry your identification card and boarding pass (at least until you get through security). Until then, leave everything in your carry-on bag.

* Well before you get to the scanners, place all your possessions containing metal into your carry-on. Yes, that means the phone, wallet, and keys mentioned above if you have not already done so. You’ll also need to take off your jacket, belt and shoes, so prepare for that as well.

* Avoid families, find business travelers. Sure you might think the business traveler has more carry-on luggage and would thus take longer, but that’s not true at all. The average business traveler is airport savvy, and knows all these tricks to past through security quickly. Families will often have to step through the metal detector multiple times because they keep “forgetting about the change in their pocket”.

These simple tips will help any traveler pass security with ease. Business travelers have been using these tips and tricks for years, and now you should too. The most important thing to remember is don’t take it personally: these security regulations were put in place for your protection, and security agents are merely enforcing the rules. If you get angry, they’ll get angry, and nobody wins. Just take a deep breath, relax, and suffer like the rest of us.

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