Thursday, November 25, 2010

History of Joger

History of JogerHistory of Joger
January 19, 1981 (day of birth Joger), and even then practically Joger name, de facto and completely open (in the forum publicum) used to call these stores first, because it was next to include them in a trade license k Joger name has also been we immediately put on board at that time the store name (maaf!) is still necessary and still be sound & smell westernized, ie "BATIK SHOP ART & Joger" that we display on the front of our store. And since then is actually the name of pure Joger is engineered or created by me / us the start we use, keep, maintain and grow develop moral values, social values, economic and spiritual in our pursuit as "an artist entrepreneur" or "artists are entrepreneurs" precisely by always being BAJU2RA5BER alias to be good, honest, friendly, diligent, responsible, courageous, initiative, and thankful that we can really benefit not only for ourselves or our store narrowly, but also beneficial to the stakeholders (others) as well as for the environment that it seems we both loved and longed for sustainability are reasonable (fair and civilized) and berkesinambungan.tanggal January 19, 1981 (day of birth Joger), Joger name and even then in a practical, de facto and completely open (in the forum publicum) we use to name our first store, because at that time in addition to include them in our commercial license, the name also has direct Joger we put in our store nameplate that time (maaf!) still need and still be sound & smell westernized, ie "ART & BATIK SHOP Joger" that we display on the front of our store. And since then is actually the name of pure Joger is engineered or created by me / us the start we use, keep, maintain and grow develop moral values, social values, economic and spiritual in our pursuit as "an artist entrepreneur" or "artists are entrepreneurs" precisely by always being BAJU2RA5BER namely to be( BAik, JUjur, RAmah, RAjin, BERtanggung jawab, BERani, BERinisiatif, BERsyukur dan sehingga kami pun bisa benar-benar BERmanfaat) good, honest, friendly, diligent, responsible, courageous, initiative, and thankful that we can really benefit not only for ourselves or our store narrowly, but also beneficial to the stakeholders (others) as well as for the environment that it seems we both loved and longed for sustainability are reasonable (fair and civilized) and continuous.

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