Initially, residents of Kampung Rungkang Jangkuk, village of Sayang-sayang, Mataram, rely on the craft crockery and household utensils. However, income derived by a less than satisfactory. Yet entrepreneurs art shop in Bali request craftsmen were supplying antique stoneware typical Lombok.
Since 1989, residents began Rungkang antiques hunting heritage to the corners of Sasak Lombok. Ancient objects, among others, kris, jars, ceramics, berugak, doors, windows, and antique boxes.
Original antique box Sasak measures 60 x 80 inches or 50 x 60 centimeter is made from raw materials midrib of palm, palm, or pandanus. But, since three years ago, raw materials and sugar palm sugar palm midrib increasingly rare. And also replace the midrib of palm craftsman with wood.
To be radiated beauty, antique box was given a touch of ornament "cukli", pieces of pearl shell affixed to the wooden box or a variety of wood crafts. Motif patch cukli diverse, ranging from the flora, fauna, to the primitive ornament. Entrepreneurs of Bali incessantly ask cukli supplied. Then the overseas market slowly formed. Since then, the face of a pot-producing village turned into a village craftsman cukli. Rows of art shop also stood along the road Rungkang Jangkuk. Among other art shop Cashew Crafts, Rara Handicraft Shop, and Cooperative Pade angen.
To find out how cukli made, it's good to stop by the house residents. There, almost every house to make crafts cukli. The manufacturing process begins by cutting the pearl shells, making the motif on the craft of wood, shell set in wooden crafts, sanding, mendempul, memelitur, to paint.
Jangkuk. In this village there is almost no unemployed youth. In fact, young men from other villages came to the village to work. Crafts cukli provide employment opportunities to youth in Kampong Rungkang and also brings many blessings for the citizens.
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