Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Assam - Wild life and National Park

Man loves to explore the wild and the untamed to touch the zing of excitement and the thrill. An inherent human urge to delve into the depths of wilderness and unknown has always spurred the human mind and feet to know and know more.Tracing the pug marks of the black and yellow striped beast or a tete-a-tete with rhino or deciphering the birdies notes or spotting the odd orchid have always occupied the youth's wishes and whims.The wildlife reserves and national parks of assam are some of the best options to satiate this appetite of a passionate traveler who particularly has a penchant for the Nature's Beauties.

1.Kaziranga National Park

2.Manas national Park

3.Nameri National Park

4.Orang National Park

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