Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Santolo Beach

SKW: Pameungpeuk
Sub: Cikelet
Tour Type: Nature
Attractions: Beach scene 

One of the most popular beaches are in the district. Garut is Santolo Beach. Located in the district. Cikelet, south of Garut city center, distance traveled within 3.5 hour drive or about 88 km.

Panati are well known in the city of Bandung and is a tourist destination. Santolo Coast region is a gathering of traditional fishermen who will be developed into a beautiful tourist destination. It is also an area for fishing activities as a dock (port) fishing vessel or boat that is in Pameungpeuk.

Enjoying panoramic coastal and marine tourism is an activity that can be done. There are also charter boats that serve the tourists to enjoy the pounding surf south coast is quite challenging. In addition we can enjoy fresh seafood dishes with a simple dish. facilities required by tourists is available such as inns, souvenir stalls at affordable prices.

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